The decisions likely to be taken by North Yorkshire County Council in the following 12 months are set out below:


Publication Date:



Last updated:


Period covered by Plan:






All public Committee meetings of the Council where the public can attend have been suspended.  Following on from the Prime Minister’s announcement on 23 March 2020 about fundamental restrictions on public travel and movement, the Leader of the Council, Cllr Carl Les, has stopped all public, committee meetings of the Council for the foreseeable future.   The council business will continue but in a different way. Emergency powers have been invoked that enable the Chief Executive, Richard Flinton, to make decisions that would previously have been made by the Council’s committees.  We will keep the position under review as the Government consider drafting legislation and regulations to allow for virtual meetings and we will consider how best to engage with the public to ensure that good governance, transparency and public engagement is maintained during this time.





In accordance with the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements)(Meetings and Access to information)(England) Regulations 2012, at least 28 clear days’ notice, excluding the day of notification and the day of decision taking, must be published on the Forward Plan of any intended key decision.  It is also a requirement that 28 clear days’ notice is published of the intention to hold a Executive meeting or any part of it in private for the consideration of confidential or exempt information.  For further information and advice please contact the Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager on 01609 533531.




Likely Date of Decision

Decision Taker (a full list of the membership of the Council and all its Committees is set out in Part 3 of the Constitution)

Description of Matter – including an indication if the report contains any exempt (not for publication) information and the reasons for this

Key Decision



Decision Required


(ie the identity of the principal groups whom the decision-taker proposes to consult)

Consultation Process

(ie the means by which any such consultation is to be undertaken)

How representations may be made and details of Contact Person

(Tel: 0845 034 9494)

unless specified otherwise)

Relevant documents already submitted to Decision Taker




16 Feb 2021



Lowering the age range of Stillington Community Primary School to 3-11






Not Urgent



Following the publication of statutory notices, to seek approval to lower the school age range of Stillington Community Primary School from 23 February 2021.


School community, wider community, other schools, Early Years providers.

In September 2020 the Governing Body of Stillington CP School consulted the local community and other providres on their proposal.

Statutory notices have been published between 11 January and 8 February 2021.

Corporate Director of Children and Young People's Services





Should you wish to make representation as to the matter being discussed in public please contact Daniel Harry

Email: ( Tel: 01609 533531.